Singapore Marketplace > Tri/TT Frames

New Colnago K-Zero TT frameset Size M

SGD 1,500

5 years ago
Selling a new Colnago K-Zero TT frameset size medium.

Sold as a frame set with handlebar/stem/aerobars included. This Colnago stands out for not only its sleek performance and light weight but its astounding good looks.

In its most sim­ple terms, aero­dy­namic drag is pro­por­tional to the square of the speed - in other words if you ride along at 20kph, and then increase your speed to 40kph you will expe­ri­ence four time as much drag. So hav­ing a bicy­cle that has a low amount of drag to begin with gives greater ben­e­fits the faster you ride.

The brakes are fully inte­grated into the fork and the frame, with­pro­mis­ing the struc­tural integrity of either. With the rear cable fully enclosed to fur­ther reduce the aero­dy­namic drag, the rear brakes are then hid­den with an aero­dy­namic cover which aids the con­di­tion­ing of the air­flow along the under­sides of the chainstays.

The han­dle­bar and stem assem­bly is one bespoke unit. Unlike tra­di­tional bar/stem inter­faces we have cho­sen not to turn the aero­dy­namic pro­file of the bar into a round shape to inte­grate into the stem. Instead, the stem is of the same pro­file shape as the bar. This has led to a stem/bar joint where the stress lev­els are also greatly reduced, allow­ing us to make a light­weight bar and stem sys­tem that is also aero­dy­nam­i­cally supe­rior to a tra­di­tional sys­tem. The clip-on sec­tions can them be tuned in height and reach for rider posi­tion­ing, thus keep­ing the main aero sec­tion of the gars in the opti­mal posi­tion, and within the UCI reg­u­la­tions. Another addi­tional fea­ture of the new stem/bar inter­face is plete inte­gra­tion of the cables required for shift­ing and brak­ing. Again, this leads to small but cru­cially impor­tant drag reduc­tions in one of the key areas of the bicycle.

Tube pro­files
Several NACA derived tube pro­files were tested through­out the design process, again, all within the UCI reg­u­la­tions. It is the use of these pro­files in both stan­dard and mod­i­fied form when viewed as plete sys­tem that form the basis for the K.Zero chas­sis. The design looked at the inter­ac­tion between pro­files as plete sys­tem, and not as indi­vid­ual tube pro­files. This is an area of design flow that has always been a Colnago way of think­ing. A bicy­cle is plete sys­tem, not just indi­vid­ual parts, and as
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