format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //echo $now; /*$challenge_detail = ChallengeDetail::byId(5); $challenge_name = $challenge_detail->name; $event_start_date = Carbon::parse($challenge_detail->start_date); $event_end_date = Carbon::parse($challenge_detail->end_date);*/ $reg_end_date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2017-07-21 11:59:59'); // Show login modal if not logged in if (isInSession()) { $logged_in = true; $enable_checkout = true; $cuser = ChallengeUser::where('cid', array(4,5,6), 'IN')->where('userid', getSessionUserid())->getOne(); if(!$cuser) { header("Location: ".$GLOBAL_HOSTHTTP_URL."/challenges/index.php"); exit; } } else { $logged_in = false; $enable_checkout = false; } $user = new User(getSessionUserid()); if ($user->isBanned()) { header ("Location: ".$GLOBAL_HOSTHTTP_URL."/common/logout.php"); exit; } /*echo '
echo '
';*/ $cuser_rsvp = ChallengeUserRsvp::where('userid', getSessionUserid())->where('cid', 6)->getOne(); if(isset($_POST['rsvp_submit'])){ if($cuser_rsvp){ $cuser_rsvp->userid = getSessionUserid(); $cuser_rsvp->rsvp = $_POST['rsvp']; $cuser_rsvp->rsvp_remarks = $_POST['rsvp_remarks']; $cuser_rsvp->rsvp_date = $now; } if($cuser_rsvp->save()) { $_SESSION['content-message'] = '
Successfully updated rsvp info.
'; $_SESSION['redirect'] = 'Success'; //sleep(5); //header ("Location: ".$GLOBAL_HOSTHTTP_URL."/challenges/togo1117/index.php"); //exit; } else { $_SESSION['content-message'] = '
There was an error updating rsvp info.
'; $_SESSION['redirect'] = 'Error'; } } ## Fill in the following for SEO $canonical_url = ''; $WEBPAGE_TITLE = "Challenge Season RSVP Finisher Event | ".$GLOBAL_PORTAL_NAME; $meta_description = "RSVP Finisher Event for Season Challenge"; $meta_keywords = ""; $canonical_url = ""; //for canonical meta rel tag if applicable $noSitetakeover = true; $cb = $GLOBAL_HOSTHTTP_URL . '/challenges/rsvp-season-challenge-event.php'; ?>

RSVP for Finisher Event

For the first time ever we are holding a Grand Finisher Event where all participants from #TOGO517, 817 and 11117 are invited to come. It’s a time to get together, chat, put faces to names. #TOGO1117 Participants will be collecting the Finisher Jerseys. If you have not collected your 517 or 817 Jerseys, this is the time to do so too.

Everyone, including those who did not complete are most welcomed to the Party. There will be Photo Booths / Photo Taking, Sharing of stories, Heroes and Heroines of the challenges called on stage and a special Lucky Draw just for participants only!